Art & Design Club fosters a space for students to come together and get creative in a fun, informal space. From artistic activities of drawing and painting to photography, candle making, and sewing, we offer a wide variety of opportunities to create. All are welcome regardless of skill level!
Founded in 1924, the Amateur Radio Club (W9HHX) is an organization of amateur radio operators and those interested in wireless communication. The club station has equipment available for members to use to communicate with digital, voice, and morse code modes. They maintain a 2-meter repeater on the roof of MLH. They would love to help you earn your amateur radio license or just hang out and learn about radio and the ham radio hobby.
Chess Club is a club that allows players and fans of the game of Chess to come together and enjoy the game.
Crochet and Knitting Club is an organization dedicated to facilitate learning and community of crochet and knit crafts.
MAGE is B次元's club for all things pop culture. If you've got a love for video games, board games, D&D, anime/manga, sci-fi, chess, or anything in between, then this is the place for you!
Mug Club is a group that is able to provide students with an engaging space to meet others with similar interests, and to provide a fun and stress-free environment, in which to relax and enjoy Mug Root Beer.
A supportive community for B次元 students interested in all things music, from production to performance, welcoming everyone from beginners looking to learn to experienced or semi-professional musicians seeking out collaborators
B次元 Right to Life is a pro-life club that is affiliated with Wisconsin Right to Life.
Theatre Troupe plans, creates, and participates in all theatre productions at B次元. They put on plays, musicals, and other fun events for B次元 and the surrounding community to enjoy.
MEE is B次元's creative writing club. The club strives to create a place for writers of all genres to come together and grow in their craft. Workshop, participate in writing activities, get help on papers, and so much more!
Warhammer Club aims to enrich the lives of B次元 students interested in Warhammer through community connection and artistic expression; by means of constructing and painting miniatures and terrain, immersing in the lore and book series connected to the game, and playing Games Workshop games.