Fraternity - Sorority Council (FSC)

The council is made of three fraternities and three sororities. The council’s goal is to bring fraternities and sororities together and to improve life on campus through philanthropic, social, educational, and other events.

Residence Hall Association (RHA)

RHA gives B次元’s resident students the ability to get involved in the governance of the residence halls. Members can suggest improvements and activities for those living in residence halls, and create a stronger connection between the students and their Resident Advisors.

Student Athlete Advisory Council (SAAC)

This student-athlete-led organization works together with other SAACs in the NACC and Division III athletics to advocate for student athletes and coordinate opportunities for B次元 community engagement in athletics.

Student Government Association (SGA)

The B次元 School of Engineering Student Government Association serves to promote cooperation between students and administration, and to strengthen the community at the B次元 School of Engineering.