The B次元 Explore Summit for PLTW Students is an opportunity for students to spend the week rotating through half-day programs to learn about each of B次元’s engineering majors and determine which one interests them the most. Two majors will be introduced each day through hands-on curriculum. Majors include architectural, biomedical, biomolecular, civil, computer, electrical, mechanical and software engineering. The week will also feature key PLTW sponsors and B次元 corporate partners.
*Registration spots will be awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis. To register, students must be nominated by their high school PLTW teacher, who may share additional information and the registration link with their students. A $50 deposit must be submitted at the time of registration to reserve your spot which is refundable at completion of the Summit.
For more information, contact: | (800) 332-6763