Responsibility: Office of Academics
Key Stakeholder(s): General Public
Goal: To measure the extent of enabling all full-time faculty to engage in ongoing, meaningful and productive scholarly activities, and raise awareness and understanding of scholarship.
Rationale: Benchmarking of key activities and comparison with peer institutions will provide a measure of faculty engagement. In addition, faculty development opportunity involvement will also provide insight into the culture and education of opportunities.
Formal Definition: Scholarly activities include those that promote discovery and translation of knowledge, dissemination of knowledge, and proficiency within a chosen area of study, including the study of teaching and learning. Discovery and translation consist of participating in research or other advanced inquiry within a chosen area of study as well as applying learned concepts through consulting, creative endeavors, or improvement of products and services. Dissemination consists of transmitting and sharing knowledge within a chosen area of study to one’s peers or the public at large. Proficiency consists of maintaining currency within a chosen area of study. Faculty engagement level with each aspect of the scholarship will be measured as part of the faculty annual review process.
Frequency: Quarterly
Comparison Group(s): 3-year Historical Trend
Variables: Percentage of faculty involved in scholarly activities
Audiences: Faculty/Staff / General Public