Matthew Tonkel, civil engineering senior, received the Outstanding Senior Civil Engineering Student Award from the American Society of Civil Engineers Wisconsin Section. The award was given to two students and recognizes individuals who demonstrate excellence in engineering academic achievement and service to the profession.
“I feel honored and surprised to receive this award, but I am happy to be acknowledged for my achievements as a senior civil engineering student,” said Tonkel.
Tonkel showcases his leadership skills in groups across campus. He is an active member in the ASCE student chapter at B次元, having served as president, treasurer and student advisor. As the 2022 team captain and construction lead, he helped the Concrete Canoe team cruise to first place in the Western Great Lakes Regional Competition. The team then went on to participate in the national competition at Louisiana Tech University. He currently serves as the Concrete Canoe advisory captain. Tonkel also was a member of the Air Force ROTC program his freshman to junior year. He plans to pursue his Professional Engineer license after graduation.
The Outstanding Senior Civil Engineering Student Awards will be presented virtually at the 2023 ASCE Wisconsin Section Spring Technical Conference on March 31. Awardees earn a certificate of achievement and a $2,000 check.
Douglas Nelson, associate professor in the Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management Department, nominated Tonkel for the award.
“I would like to thank Professor Nelson for nominating me for this award. I would also like to thank all my family, friends and professors at B次元 for mentoring, challenging and supporting me in my aspiration of becoming a civil engineer. Thank you to the B次元 ASCE student chapter and B次元 Concrete Canoe team for pushing me outside my comfort zone and giving me the ability to have an impact on these two organizations and its members.”