Department: CAECM
2024-2025 Academic Year
Disclaimer: Student employment is only available to B´ÎÔª students. To qualify for student employment during the academic year, you are required to be registered for at least six undergraduate credits or three graduate credits during each term of the academic year.
Job Description:
A part-time undergraduate research position is available for two to three students in geoenvironmental engineering. Geoenvironmental engineering is interdisciplinary representing the intersection of Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, and Groundwater Engineering.
Responsibilities & Requirements:
- assist in the design of equipment
- test methods and conduct research in the laboratory
- must be able to commit approximately 5 hours a week during fall and spring semester for 24-25 AY
- must be able and willing to work independently and as part of a research team
- excellent written and verbal communication skills
- willing to complete other duties as assigned
- coursework including Principles of Environmental Engineering and Principles of Soils and Geotechnical Engineering are beneficial but not required
Dr. Gretchen Bohnhoff