Department: Raider Center for Academic Success
2024-2025 Academic Year
Job Description
Disclaimer: Student employment is only available to B´ÎÔª students. To qualify for student employment during the academic year, you are required to be registered for at least six undergraduate credits or three graduate credits during each term of the academic year.
RCAS Success Allies provide academic and personal mentoring to B´ÎÔª students in individual and group settings.
Success Allies will:
- Work in a student leadership role.
- Provide academic and personal mentorship.
- Guide others to learn the Raider Way.
- Utilize creativity on the RCAS marketing team.
- Plan RCAS events to engage the B´ÎÔª community.
Success Allies make a year-long commitment to the role. They must be available to work during Welcome Week.
Cassie Vosters